dreamkeepers.net Clarification of Views


- March 31, 2003 -

Dear Friends, Members, Founders,

Recently we sent out a mailing from Mark Arden, Harvey Arden's son. We have received a lot of mail addressing all sides of this issue. Our reason for putting out his view was because he is a member of Dreamkeepers and he had something to share.....any of you are welcome to do that. In fact, we have a chat forum in the site exclusively for these discussions. Since that aspect of the site is not monitored by anyone at this time, it is easier for us to send out certain letters to the list. We apologize to those that were insulted. There is no need to get defensive or mad. Dreamkeepers allows the views of peoples from around the world.

Sometimes--often--these friends take different views on a given subject. Even when we disagree, we need to listen respectfully to the opinions of others, and express our disagreement forcefully but respectfully.

In this case, it happened to be someone dear to us, Harvey's son. As Mark mentioned, his father and he don't share the same political views always but they do agree on some very important issues, like safe guarding innocent peoples lives, and the abolition of genocide in any form.

Mark, himself a recently retired flying commander of an Apache helicopter squadron now in the Gulf, eloquently expresses his views on the current conflict. Those views deserve a hearing here on dreamkeepers.net, even if they are rejected by some-as they also applauded by many. We simply MUST LISTEN to each other! And show each other the RESPECT we all deserve as fellow human beings. There are many young men and women fighting over there and losing their lives, whether we agree or not for the purpose...the reality is that they are willing to defend what is good about our country. And there is a lot good. And there is alot wrong. There are also many, many Native peoples fighting over there and have fought in the past for this country.

They deserve our prayers and respect for their courage to do so. We all know that there are people in the world that would rather see us...us meaning all of Turtle Island and anywhere else where we do not worship in the same way as they do. They see us as heretics and would rather we be eliminated. Whether you support this President or not, the reality is what it is, there is a fight going on in the name God our Creator, and there are those that are willing to fight for the freedom for all to believe as we wish.

There is no need to take offense by Mark's words, he is speaking for his comrades who he knows are facing the ultimate sacrifice. So please calm down, no one needs to judge these young men and women who are doing what they feel they must do. The war is happening, and none of us want it, but it is happening, and thank god there are those that are willing to defend us with their lives. One day it will be possible for us all to lay down these terrrible arms of destruction, I believe that, but meanwhile we are not there yet. I was always taught that Nothing happens without the Creator's permission, and that everything-everything--is a mystery.

May Peace be with us all.

In the future, this type of correspondence will be posted to the site rather than be sent through email. We may notify you when there have been postings to those site pages.

Thank you for your time.

Company Website: http://dreamkeepers.net

dreamkeepers.net Contact:
Pamela Rickenback - Milos
email: pam@dreamkeepers.net
voice: 413-268-7030

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